Imprint GmbH

Markt 16
09648 Mittweida

Registered in the commercial register at Amtsgericht Chemnitz, Germany

Register number: HRB 35247

Phone: 03727 5999530

Management: Christoph Jentzsch, Geschäftsführer‍

VAT-IDNr: DE352616105

Journalistically and editorially responsible person within the meaning of § 18 (2) MDStV: Christoph Jentzsch

Notice on dispute resolution:
Pursuant to our obligation to inform you under the Regulation No 524/2013 on Online Dispute Resolution for consumer disputes, you may access the platform of the EU Commission regarding online dispute resolution under the following link

Notice on obligation under § 36 (1) Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSGB):
Pursuant to our obligation under § 36 (1) Consumer Dispute Resolution Act we hereby inform you that we are neither willing nor obligated to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board. Please refer to our terms for details on how we settle disputes.

Notice pursuant to § 28 (1) of the German Securities Institutions Act (WpIG): GmbH is a tied agent within the meaning of § 3 (2) WpIG and acts exclusively for the account and under the liability of Concedus GmbH, Eckental, when acting as an investment broker pursuant to § 2 (2) No. 3 WpIG. GmbH has been notified to the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) as a tied agent of Concedus GmbH and is entered in the BaFin register of tied agents under the registration number 80179598. The BaFin register of tied agents is available at: